YOUTH LEAGUE 2024/2025
League Format: All games are played four or five skaters depending on the age group & a goalie per side. Games are played in two 22-minute periods except for 8U which is played in two 20-minute periods. All teams play nine games plus playoffs. Rosters are a maximum of 15 players.
League Fee: $325 for players, $160 for goalies for 9 games and all teams make the playoffs.
AAU Membership: Required to play. $22 online (playAAUsports.org).
Jerseys: Skate Safe home and away jerseys are $40 per set, players may use previously purchased Skate Safe jerseys.
Scheduling: Our 8U/10U Leagues are targeted to start Friday, September 13th. With our 8U games at 6:00 PM and our 10U games at 7:00 PM.
Our 13U and 17U games will take place Monday - Thursday on a rotating basis - game times will be between 5PM and 7PM. Games will start the week of September 16th.
Team Formation: Teams are formed by Skate Safe as evenly as possible by our dedicated staff. We do reserve the right to have players switch teams to try to make them fairer as the season progresses.
Equipment: Helmets must have a full; face shield/cage or half shield, shin pads, elbow pads, gloves, skates. Mouth guards and cups are highly suggested, but not mandatory.
*** Please note in our Youth Leagues we reserve the right and will enforce the right not to kick players out of games in accordance with the 3-contact penalty rule of AAU sanctioned games. ***
Online Schedules and Statistics: All schedules, standings, statistics & playoff information are available on our website: www.skatesafeamerica.com. It is important that you make sure to check the stats after the game to see if you have been checked in for the game. *** While we strive for accuracy, we do not guarantee that all stats are correct. Statistics are not changed once they have been entered. ***
Registration Information & League Start Dates:
Fall 2024: Registration accepted from August 1st – September 10th. Season begins on September 13th.
Winter 2024-2025: Registration accepted from December 1st – December 23rd. Season begins on or about January 3rd
Spring 2025: Registration accepted March 1st – March 23rd. Season begins on March 28th.