ADULT LEAGUE 2024/2025
League Format: YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD TO PLAY. All games are played five skaters & a goalie per side, save the 4 on 4 draft league. Games are played in three 15-minute periods, 4 on 4 League plays two 22-minute periods. All teams play EIGHT games plus at least one playoff game (6 on your primary night choice and 2 on either Friday Night or Sunday). Rosters are a maximum of 15 players and a goalie.
Playoff Format: If games are tied at the conclusion of regulation, teams will play one (1) five-minute overtime period**. All leagues (minus 4 v 4 draft league) will play 4 v 4 for the overtime period. Games will be concluded when/if a goal is scored in the overtime period, if no goals are scored during the 5-minute overtime the game will be decided in a shootout. **Championship games will consist of continuous overtime, if tied after regulation. Championship Overtime will play 5 v 5 until a goal is scored**
League Fee: Team Fee $3,300 - $3,200 (if paid by deadline) (if team is paying fully in cash and checks then a $100 discount will apply to cover the cost of the credit card fees) If your team is not paid in full by the end of the third game of the season, then your team will be eliminated from the schedule. In order to be guaranteed to be placed on the schedule you must be paid in full by the close of registration. If we are not sold out by the end of registration, we will take the teams that have the most money deposited after the teams that are paid in full. We do have a limit of how many teams we can take each season. Skate Safe is only able to accept the first 20 teams on each preferred night, so to guarantee your spot, you must pay in full as soon as possible. All teams must have $1,000 in by the end of registration to be placed on the schedule.
League Fee for Draft Leagues: $300 (40+)/$325(4 vs4) per player, any player not drafted will be refunded.
AAU Membership: Required to play. $30 online (playAAUsports.org)
Jerseys: Skate Safe home and away jerseys are $35 per set, players may use previously purchased Skate Safe jerseys. Only Skate Safe and custom team jerseys are allowed. If your custom team has a color that is not blue or white you can bring in a jersey that is similar in color as long as it has a jersey number.
Scheduling: Skate Safe schedules games starting on Sundays between 1 PM & 11PM and Monday-Thursday between 7PM & 11:00PM. Due to conditions beyond our control games may be placed on a Friday or Saturday to make-up for weather related issues. Schedules will not be changed once they are released. Please note there are no games on Super Bowl Sunday or Memorial Day Weekend, there are games on Mother's Day, Father's Day and any other Sunday that might fall into the calendar of your season.
For the safety of our customers goalies may not keep water bottles on top of the goals.
The only way you can guarantee your primary day is by being one of the first 20 teams to be paid in full by the end of the registration period.
***Please note playoff games can fall on any day of the week. You must play in two regular season games total, and one regular season game by the sixth game of the season in order to play, WE DO NOT RESCHEDULE PLAYOFF GAMES ever***If any player is caught during a playoff game that should not be legally on the roster this will result in a forfeit of the game***
Equipment: Helmets must have a full; face shield/cage or half shield, shin guards covered with pants, elbow pads, gloves, skates. Mouth guards and cups are highly suggested, but not mandatory.
Divisions: Skate Safe reserves the right to move teams to a proper division if they see a roster that is too talented to compete with the teams playing in that division. At times this will also involve having to change days for a given team. If a team cannot make it, then a full refund will be given.
Online Schedules and Statistics: All schedules, standings, statistics & playoff information are available on our website: www.skatesafeamerica.com. It is important that you make sure to check the stats after the game to see if you have been checked in for the game. *** While we strive for accuracy, we do not guarantee that all stats are correct. Statistics are not changed once they have been entered.
Registration Information & League Start Dates:
Fall 2024: Registration accepted from August 1st – August 26th. Season begins on or about September 3rd.
Winter 1 2024-25: Registration accepted from October 15th - November 10th. Season begins on or about November 17th.
Winter 2 2025: Registration accepted January 15th – February 10th. Season begins on or about February 23rd.
Spring 2025: Registration accepted April 20th – May 11th. Season begins on or about Sunday May 18th.
Summer 2025: Registration accepted June 15th - July 15th. Season begins on or about August 1st.